Friday, April 23, 2010

weekend hopes and thoughts

Tonight, as of a half an hour ago, I was supposed to be a teacher watching a group of kids at my work while their parents go have a date night, the event called "Parents' Night Out". Unfortunately, it was cancelled as of this morning because there was only one kid that had signed up. I guess the only thing I'm dissapointed about is the 3 hours of pay that I won't be getting. And now I have nothing at all planned for my Friday night. I hardly ever have things planned for my Friday nights, so I guess it's not that big of a deal that I'm right where I usually am, sitting in my room, surfing the web and wallowing in self-pity that I am such a loser without friends. My housemates have big steak dinners about once every two weeks, bbq-ing big ol' steaks accompanied by delicious sides like Ceasar salad, rice-a-roni or potatoes. They never ask if I would like to pitch in some money so as to join them in their delicious feast, so while they are devouring their savory dinners, I either eat a hot dog with them, or since I don't have any form of meat to bbq tonight, I sit in my room. With my window closed because the bbq is about 10 feet from my window billowing smoke underneath the steel awning that covers the whole patio. Fun times. I can not WAIT to move out of this shithole of a house with its retarded lazy housemates. FIVE MORE WEEKS. It's gonna feel like so much longer. Maybe I won't pay them for my last month here. What can they do? Kick me out? Well, I'm already moving! Mwah ha ha. And since we don't have any sort of contract, they can't sue me. The worst that could happen is that I would leave on a very sour, awkward, bitter note with them. Hmmmm... I'm debating. I probably won't though, because I'm a chicken and don't do mean, ballzy things like that. *Sigh*. Why do I feel the need to always be so nice and considerate? It doesn't get me anywhere. It reminds me of that phrase and song "Nice guys finish last." Oh well. There's a better phrase that I like to live by "The last shall be first".
Tomorrow morning I am "volunteering" at the Gibbon Conservation Center, about 5 miles from where I live, and I'll be earning a free Disneyland ticket. (that's why I put volunteering in quotes, because it's more like laboring for a Disneyland ticket instead of volunteering just to volunteer). Gotta be there at 9:30, ready to bust my butt doing manual labor for 3 hours. Should be fine. They say we'll be trimming trees and hauling brush to a dumpster that is a 1/4 mile hike away.
Then, tomorrow evening I am babysitting for two boys that I just babysat for on Sunday evening! Twice in one week is a new record. Great money making opportunity for me! They are kind of punk boys, 5(almost 6) and 9. Sunday, Ethan was playing around with his milk cup, and I asked him to put it down, and instead of listening to me, he proceeds to throw what was left in the bottom of the cup all over me and the whole kitchen. I was upset. Then, in case that wasn't enough, the older boy, Jack, decides to throw what was left in the bottom of his milk cup all over the place. So instead of having to clean up what Ethan threw everywhere, I now had to clean up two cups' messes. Grrrrr. I'm still kind of bitter about that, obviously.

Sunday, we're going to church, where I just found out that the pastor that I love so much, Francis, is leaving the pastorate. He's taking his family and moving away because too many people are idolizing him. I swear, I am cursed when it comes to pastors sticking around. Every church I've ever attended, within a year or two of me going there, the pastor leaves. It's kind of bizarre and sad that this has been my experience with churches.
Then, after church, amanda and I are going to measure their upstairs loft (where I'll be moving into in 5 weeks) for a curtain rod and a curtain. Then, we may come back here for a while and have amanda assist me in purging my stuff. She is kinda brutal with purging things when she gets on a roll, so I'm a bit hesitant, but I need help. My dad refuses to bring down his trailer to move all of my stuff back up to his house, so I have to get my stuff as minimalized as possible for him to take up there. If I just can't do it, I may wind up renting a storage unit here in town and keep some of my stuff there until August, when my dad will come back down to visit and pick up my queen bed. I have went through some things in my room, but I'd say I've only went through like 1.5% of my things. I'm going to try to go through 2 totes that are in my room tonight. Hopefully, I won't continue to procrastinate and distract myself with things that don't need to be done as promptly (like blogging...), but I really am one of the best procrastinators around, so my chances aren't looking too good. I just thought of something that needs to be done ASAP; thank-you notes for my birthday presents! Hmmm, actually on second thought, I think I'd rather go through totes than to write thank you notes. Haha. I found something I don't like doing more than packing and purging! Okay, I'm off to have a productive weekend! Wish me luck!

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