Saturday, April 24, 2010

GCC and tonight

The Gibbons. A momma(tan) and baby(black).

Trying to capture the filthiness of my feet. Can't remember the last time I manually labored so hard and got this dirty.

What an experience! I got to the Gibbon Conservation Center (GCC) at 9:25am (I like to be early to places.) The GCC crew told us the jobs that needed to be done, and we formed groups according to what we preferred to do. The options were: clear branches and brush about 1/4 mile hike away from the dumpster and then haul all of the branches to the dumpster, or weeding. I opted for the clearing the brush. I don't know why this sounded like the better option to weeding, but I was just thinking how much I don't like the bending over for hours, your back killing you, pulling stubborn weeds out of the ground. So the GCC lady takes us (me, a 47 year old lady named Tammy, and a mom and daughter pair; Linda and Catelyn) up to where the brush needed to be cleared from, and we got to work. We had to climb up this pretty steep hill and drag down to two tarps these branches that had already been sawed off of these trees. We got our piles ready to drag and went to make our first trip. Holy crap, that was difficult. This road is full of rocks, and has slight uphill parts and my forearms were BURNING from the weight of the tarp (probably around 75 pounds). Tammy and I had to keep switching sides on our strenuous trip to the dumpster. We got our first load to the dumpster and as we stood there at about 10am, we were already spent. I was sweating like, well, the big girl that I am and wasn't sure how we were going to make it another 2.5hours doing this. Catelyn wasn't having anything more to do with this dragging crap, and we all decided that it'd be for the best if she went to her house, about 20 minutes away and got the family truck. She got back with the truck, about an hour and twenty minutes later, and we were able to make three giant loads/trips to the dumpster that would have taken us probably 6 trips back and forth doing the strenuous, back-breaking dragging. Not to mention the three GIANT trees/logs that center really wanted to keep for the Gibbons, but weren't sure how they were going to get them to the center. They were too heavy to drag, and so we lifted them into the truck, and bam, logs for the Gibbons safe and sound on their lot. I got several scratches on my arms, and one on my belly, but nothing too bad. My back is kinda achey, but I'm hoping nothing some Tylenol won't help. The two older ladies both fell at different points. I was glad that they didn't get too injured. I had a lot of fun. All of us had great senses of humor, and so we each kept each other laughing and entertained throughout the whole adventure. I kept thinking how the whole thing wasn't worth a Disneyland ticket (valued at $70), but actually, in hindsight, it was. I had lots of fun, and got a great workout, and helped out an animal organization that was pretty legit.
On another note, babysitting was cancelled for tonight, she said she would give me some extra money the next time I babysat for them. I was totally fine with that. I wasn't really looking forward to babysitting the punks tonight, I kinda just want to chill. I rented "Precious" from the redbox and will watch that later, after I accomplish some things that I wasn't sure when were going to get done, and now they will because of the free time I have!! Yay! Anywho. Off to do those things!

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