Thursday, December 17, 2009


I love the church I've been going to for the last several months, Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley. The pastor, Francis Chan, is so authentic. A man after God's own heart and Will. He shares what's on his heart, and turns to the only perfect authority, God's Word. Here are some notes that I took on his sermon that he gave two weeks ago that when I reread, continue to strike me, and I wanted to list them.
-As Christians, we need to think and live differently. We need to discern what parts of our mindsets are Biblical, and what parts are American.
-We need to decipher what is right, and then set aside all of the other stuff.
-2 Peter 2:1-3 Key word: SECRETLY
-The road to Hell is marked: "Heaven".
-2 Corinthians 11: 13-15
-Galatians 1:8-9 If anyone tells you anything different from what's in the Bible, they are/could be accursed. Check, because they sneak in and teach destructive heresies.
-The biggest lie that the world is faced with today: "How could a loving God send people to hell?" 2 Peter 4
-That a good god wouldn't punish is the popular mindset today.
-It's no secret, He knows how to punish. Check the Old Testament.
-This world isn't going to become more holy over the coming years.

I'm excited for the all-church service outside this Sunday! Worshipping in the nice, chilly weather with several hundred other believers! Awesome!!

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