Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ready for changes

While no one loves it when wonderful things in life such as retreats, friendships, weddings, etc. draw to an end, there are other things in life that we can not wait for to gradually and finally change. Things that you deal with, put up with because that is the everyday and the mundane and the place that we learn to be content with. These are things that if they were to change, we are grateful for. It's through these downward slopes in life, down to the valleys that you reach a breaking point and trudge through, in despair, that we have a hard time remembering that there is hope that things can get better. Deep down knowing that life is full of valleys, and how we must press on to reach the mountaintops. Times in life are remembered most in these valleys and the mountaintops, but life is characterized by how we react to the slopes and climbs; the journeys to those experiences. I am currently facing one of those downhill slopes. I've lived in a house with 3 other people and now 5 animals (one retarded dog, one 3 month old puppy who has a lot to learn, a $500 kitten that thinks it's a dog and won't shut up with his extremely loud meow, and two fairly low-maintenance middle-aged cats) for 6 weeks now, and it feels like I've lived here 6 months. I am so frustrated and fed up with animals taking over the house and there NEVER being any peace and quiet. I am realizing that my usual routine of going to the gym after work is for the best because tonight, I spent the evening in, not at the gym and I want to run away, far, far away. I spend the entire day dealing with loud, obnoxious children, and I want to be able to come home and relax. But no. Not with the obnoxious, loud pets that are even less manageable than children.
I want to move out. Like right now. I'm done. I'm at my breaking point. My best friend is now married, and I hate the idea of inviting myself over. She sort of just invited me. So i'm going to head over there now... :( maybe to be continued...

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