Monday, August 17, 2009

as expected, a loooonnnngggg day

Yep. I wasn't able to go to sleep last night until 1am... and then I woke up this morning at 6:30am. I had meetings/seminars until 11:30am, grabbed some lunch and then helped my two teachers put together their rooms- which consisted mostly of putting up butcher paper on the walls and then trimming them with borders in asthetically pleasing ways to make the rooms ready for tomorrow night; meet the teacher night. I have two classrooms of kids names to learn (even though I know about half of the kids already) and that means a butt-load of parents' names to learn. I got home from work and decided to keep myself awake until about 9:30pm, when I am going to pass out until 6:30am tomorrow morning, hopefully uninterupted! (Which tends to be a challenge where I live, with 3 cats and two very rambunctious dogs that bark all the effing time.) To say the least, I am sooo beat. This has been the longest day I have had for a long time. At least when I helped my sister paint and redecorate her room this summer, I was able to sleep in until like 9am. I do not do well getting up before 7am. It feels very unnatural to me to do so. Luckily the first two weeks of school I work 9am-6pm. Then I'm 8-5. So it's gradually easing my way into the early shift. I think I'm going to like the rotating schedules. I will be so glad not having to close this whole year. That was something I was duped into in the first place last August when I first started working for Sunshine.
I'm off to get my PJ's on and brush my teeth for my quickly approaching konk out time. I'm glad I've kept my goal thus far of blogging for a week! Here's to the rest of the week!!!

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